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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Perspective # 6 - Volition pays

Volition pays: Another common perception is that innovation happens only when you have enough ‘think time’, are relaxed and have time to introspect. The stereotype of the relaxed R&D department reiterates this mental model.

It has been proven again and again that a sense of urgency and intrinsic motivation will accelerate innovation. The greatest innovations of the world have happened under acute pressure. Yes-necessity is the mother of invention. The best Russian literature emerged during the oppressed days!

In A bias for action Sumantra Ghosal and Heike Bruch introduce the concept of volition. They exhort us to ‘cross the Rubicon’, the threshold between simple motivation and true volition. That is when action happens.

Out of 2,600 people died at the 9/11 attacks 125 died at the impregnable Pentagon! In one of the worst forms of ‘criminal innovation’ of our lives, planes were transformed to guided missiles! Though there is a great report about this incident the simple answer lies in volition.

"It's a miracle in Pakistan, where we can't even make a bicycle chain, where we can't even make a sewing needle.”
A.Q.Khan father of Pakistan atom bomb said. That is the power of volition. The power of mantras – the chants of 'atom bomb, atom bomb' on Pakistan National Day is so powerful enough to invent miracles!

Big money does not payoff always. Volition does.“Last year Microsoft invested in excess of $6.5 billion in R&D but we have not seen any game changing products yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe a FREE mandatory adrenalin shots for all will help :)
