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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Perspective # 14 – Creative Abrasion

Creative Abrasion : One key component required to create the ‘innovation culture’ is to foster a organization climate which promotes healthy conflicts within – the jargon is called ‘Creative Abrasion’.

The challenge is to create a non threatening environment where different ideas and perceptions collide in the melting pot which can raise new ideas or models. Good problem solving managers always allow different approaches which may include silly or disruptive ones.

Though creative abrasion looks like a no brainer, it is very hard to implement..why ? Because one of the unwritten rule of the game in most organizations is not to rock the smooth sailing boat – conflict is often seen as negative.

Sorry but the sad fact remains that your growth in the organization depends not on your functional competence but on your ‘value capability’ – the organization filters out those who are not on the same senior management ‘wavelength’ . The obvious disadvantage of this ‘behavior norm’ is ‘Groupthink’ originally described by Irving L. Janis. "...a quick and easy way to refer to a mode of thinking that people engage when they are deeply involved in a cohesive ingroup, when members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternatives of action." The non obvious disadvantage is that it sublimaly discourages ‘Creative Abrasion’.

Also if you are not careful conflicts becomes disputes and personal, the creative process breaks down.

Sometimes ‘abrasive’ defiant guys are seen as a negative influence on others as they bring conflict and disturb our ‘friendly cohesive climate’! The key is to train personnel to embrace ‘Creative Abrasion’ and to watch out against groupthink. Managers should be trained in this fine art.

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